I'm not sure why I always wait until the night before I leave to make a blog post...
It's been a hectic few weeks. I haven't been in my village much though. I only spent about a week there, so I didn't get to ride the camel much, and they won't let me drive yet. Sometimes they can be a bit overprotective. I also worry that Djibo thinks he's going to get the camel when I leave, he's in for a few surprises there. They are unaware that I am planning to move in the next six months, and that I'm taking the camel with me! I'm hoping to ride it down to icrisat, it's only about 100km, so I think I can do it in three days or so. I went down there last tuesday to visit the place and see if it would be a good fit. I love it and can't wait to move. I'm trying to convince the boss that I should move there as soon as my grain bank is done, if not sooner. We'll see how that turns out. I stayed the night with Anna and then went to visit Seabass in his village for a night before we came into Niamey on Thursday morning. We got a ride from some rich fellow in an awesome car right to the bureau, yay! no bush taxis! Everyone was here from the region as we had a bicycle maintenance training yesterday and today, and we're all going home again tomorrow. We also had to say goodbye to a couple of friends who were going home, some were done, and some who decided they were done. Every time someone goes home early, it makes it more tempting to quit, but we're almost done with the miserable weather, and I don't want to give up just yet. I do have that new post to look forward to as well. I'm hoping to spend a month or so in the bush before coming back, so it might be a while before I post again. In the mean time, wish me luck on the camel, I want to ride it into market in a week and a half, without my villagers pulling it. I just need to stand up to them and say "Damnit, it's my camel and I'm going to ride it!" He still doesn't have a name yet, but I promise to have one next time I come in.