Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Yesterday!

I hope everyone had a happy thanksgiving.  We did here.  We had a lot of good food, including mashed taters, chicken noodle soup, green beans, salad, stuffed mushrooms, filet mignon, and squash soup.  There were a couple of groups that got together for dinners, then we all met at a pcv's place to play cranium. (my team won)  Got to talk to most of the family on the phone, which was very nice.  I hadn't talked to many of them in months.  We killed 2 chickens to make the soup, which was a new experience for many, very educational. 

I got a new blackboard and chalk for the school in my village.  It's new this year and they don't have much in the way of supplies.  I'll take it out next week on the shuttle, they'll be delighted.  We've got over 50 kids that attend school every day, hopefully the next generation in Holoballe will be able to read and write! 

I get to be a trainer for the new group in february.  Two weeks on the training site eating great food and chatting with a whole new group of pcvs.  It will be a lot of fun.  I'll probably move villages before hand, which will be nice - less to worry about after the training.

I got a new donkey.  It's all white with blue eyes.  It's not very good with riding yet, but it can pull a cart.  It came with the pcv's who were moving the horse across country and doing educational sessions in villages as they went.  They couldn't get it to pull their cart, so they got another and couldn't sell this one.  They were broke, so I bought it from them when they got to Balleyara.  It's turning out to be an okay donkey though.  Might sell it to the villagers when I move.  I'm not sure I want to walk to Sadore with the donkey, and I doubt they'll put it in the land cruiser.

Going back out to HB tomorrow morning bright and early, then will be back in a week to pick up the folks, WooHoo!  I hope they have a good journey here, and I'll do my best to keep them entertained once they arrive.  I've got plenty planned, and my villagers are excited to meet them.

There's a whole bunch of new audio posts up, so enjoy those until I get back into town.  That's all for now!


hockeyfrog said...

Awww memories of playing Cranium... never have Jesse spell ANYTHING AT ALL. Backwards, forwards... just don't pick him for the spelling ones :)

Sounds like you had a tasty Thanksgiving!

Bishniak said...

Glad you were able to celebrate Thanksgiving in the bush. Has the Donkey met Tarzan yet?

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you had a good thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

Thought about you this Thanksgiving. Just wasn't the same not having you show up at midnight the night before. :) Your package is en route. I've been trying to follow the thing, it's just not updated frequently enough :(

eurotrashks said...

Wow. Jim, you did it. You're peace-corping it!! Way to go!!