Friday, April 07, 2006

I've survived over two weeks at post

I'm not suposed to be coming into Niamey my first month.  They want me to be integrating well into my village and all.  But yesterday I came down with a fever and aches, so I came in for the standard malaria test protocol, which was negative, of course.  I've been taking my pills religiously, but they had to be sure.  I'm not complaining, I got to come in to use the internet and noone can holler at me about it. :-)

Post is good, the awkwardness has died down a lot, and I know the important people around me.  I've been working a lot and have lost about 25 lbs. since I came.  I'm eating plenty, just it's hot and I've been doing physical labor, like digging clay, making bricks and such.  For the most part I'm healthy, don't worry about the fever, it was less than a 24hr bug.  The medical coverage for us is awesome, so no worries.  I haven't got a camel yet, that's on the back burner right now, I just got my bike today.  I do want to start rabbits here if they'll work.  They could use the easy meat, and could sell the pelts.  And I like rabbits.  My cat's name is Lefty, the name it came with, and the donkey's name is Don Quixote.  The Kitten doesn't have a name yet, but it's going to a friend, so I'll let them name it.

I guess that's all I've got for now, I might add tomorrow, if I get the chance.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're doing well. Are you doing the teaching or the learning? Just wanted to let you know we have created a monster. Tyson has become quite the geo cacher. Every weekend he is bugging me to death wanting to go more. So far 48 finds and 3 travel bugs. Not bad huh!

Take care of yourself.

Aunt Jenny

Bishniak said...

Sounds fun Jim. Although I would advise in future to rename rabbits to something else, just so Sara won't see Iolaus becoming Dinner and a hat.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.