Sunday, April 29, 2007


Well, I got the RR position in Niamey, after much negotiating with my program director.  I'll be living in Niamey, eventually in my own house, and keeping track of 25 or so volunteers.  I'll also have a big hand in selecting new villages for volunteers.  It should be fun, and I'm excited about it.  It will have it's headaches, but what job doesn't?  I'll still be working with ICRISAT from Niamey and communting down there once a week to meet with folks.  It's nice to have that decided, since I'm going to Benin on tuesday and don't want to have to worry about it.  That's right... I said Benin! where they have oceans, food, and NO WORK!  It will be wonderful!  We got our visas applied for the other day, and pick them up tomorrow.  I'll be off the radar while I'm down there though, so don't expect updates or emails... I'll try to find the odd cybercafe to give an update, but no guarantees.

In minor news... we went to a fashion show last night that Alex and Alison were modeling in, it was quite fun.  It was a local designer named Kadi, who is probably the biggest designer in Niamey, maybe Niger.  She had an awesome place, felt like we were in a rainforest or something it was so green.  I'd like to go back and check out the guys clothes, I could use something apropriate for lounging on the beach :-).  This afternoon we're going to an embassy guy's house for a pool party, those are always fun!  Hopefully will get a new podcast up soon...


Unknown said...

Congradulations!!! on the RR job. Have fun at your pool party and eat a brochette for me. Love and miss you, MOM

Unknown said...

ALSO have a great relaxing time in Benin!!!! MOM

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new exciting job. Be nice to the lowly PCV's. We have been getting lots of rain here and the weather has been reasonably comfortable. We could try to send some there.
Still doctoring Stormy. Don't think he has sight in that eye but would like to help him keep it at least for aesthetic reasons.

Love and miss ya!

Aunt Jenny