Village life is good, if boring. We've had a few sprinkles, but no real rains yet. I think I'm going to farm this season, if I get back in time to plant. I'll be there in a week or so, so there should be plenty of time. I will probably plant millet and beans. I'll also be planting a lot of vegetables in my concession. They don't garden during the rainy season, and I may have to try to encourage that. They have little time, what with the working in the fields and all, but could make some serious cash (by nigerian standards anyway) in the market if they grew some veggies too. Still working on the rabbit thing, talking to lots of folks to figure out how best to go about it. I also don't have a camel yet, but I'm getting closer to it. I should really wait until after rainy season so I don't have to keep it tied up and bring it food.
In general, all is well, I haven't lost any more weight, thank goodness, and I'm going on two weeks illness free (knock on wood). I've been getting lots of goodies :-), Thank you all for the packages! I'll try to get another round of letters ready to send your way soon. I'll be back in Niamey next weekend, so keep an eye out for me fri/sat/sun online.
P.S. It seems I've started a trend :-)
Oh my gosh it is contagious!!!!!!!!
Quite a group. Glad to hear you haven't been sick again. Sounds like you are getting quite a few care packages. Watch out, you will be putting on weight if you are not careful. Starting to really warm up here. I just remind myself it isn't anything compared to what you are living with.
Be good!!!!!!!
Aunt Jenny
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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