Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Back to the bush, but not for long...

Gotheye was good times.  It's fun to see other volunteers villages and what their experience is like.  No two are the same.  We got to visit Alex and Alison's villages, and we got to see a radio show done by them and Michael.  We're hoping to start doing radio work in Balleyara, the new folks seem very gung ho about it.  The hostel at Gotheye is really nice, cement with 4 rooms and all, but we have running water and they don't (that's what I keep reminding myself when I feel that we got the short end).  We were in Alison's village for the end of Ramadan, which wasn't as spectacular as I expected.  I'm glad it's over, I can eat and drink in public again, and all the street food venders will be back out.  I don't know how they do it, going without food and water from sunup to sundown, talk about miserable!

I should be able to pick up the money for my project tomorrow, then back into Niamey on Sunday to shop with Djibo for stuff Mon.  Cathy is coming in with her villagers too so that we can share shipping costs.  I'm hoping the building will go up quickly once the ponds dry up a bit and we can get clay.

In exciting new news, my parents are coming to visit, WOOT!  They'll be here for a couple of weeks in December, and I've got lots planned for them.  I'm really looking forward to it.  I want to show them my current post, new post, Niamey, etc.  It looks like we won't be able to avoid at least one bush taxi, but that's not too bad.  I also want to expose them to some native cuisine, though I'll keep bush food to a minimum, it's very boring and bland.  I know they're coming to see me, but I think it will be awesome for them to see Niger as well, it's bound to be a trip they'll never forget.


Anonymous said...

Safari Jim,
Fascinating stuff. How does one come to the conclusion they want to work for the Peace Corp. It sounds a bit scary to me but then I've never even ventured outside the U.S of A although my wife and I are going on trip to Israel for the Thanksgiving holiday. Any suggestions.
Frank LeCour

Anonymous said...

Frank LeCour again. Can I leave my e-mail address or is that not neccessary.